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The tower

2020, 4'16''


Una breve fiaba, cruda e semplice, disegnata quasi come farebbe un bambino, che racconta senza parole, di un momento, forse un sogno, in cui le giovani generazioni si liberano del fardello che li destinerebbe ad "ereditare" un mondo (con tutti i suoi sistemi di poteri e  propaganda) che da troppo non fa che decadere e allontanarsi dall'idea di bene comune. Un sistema crolla e lascia spazio all'umanità per ripensarsi e intraprendere nuove vie ma fin da subito ci si trova di fronte al rischio che la storia si ripeta.  


The tower

A short story, raw and simple, drawn almost as a child would do, which tells without words, of a moment, perhaps a dream, in which the younger generations get rid of the burden that would destin them to "inherit" a world (with all its systems of powers and propaganda) that for too long has been decaying and moving away from the idea of the common good. A system collapses and leaves room for humanity to rethink and undertake new paths but immediately we are faced with the risk that history will repeat itself.A short story, raw and simple, drawn almost as a child would do, which tells without words, of a moment, perhaps a dream, in which the younger generations get rid of the burden that would destin them to "inherit" a world (with all its systems of powers and propaganda) that for too long has been decaying and moving away from the idea of the common good. A system collapses and leaves room for humanity to rethink and undertake new paths but immediately we are faced with the risk that history will repeat itself..

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